Copyright notice and disclaimer regarding our website
Every material (text, photo, illustration, etc.) contained on the website of the Agricultural and Fishery Co-operative Savings Insurance Corporation (hereinafter “SIC”) is subject to copyright. In addition, the entire SIC website is also subject to copyright as a compilation, and the website as well as the materials are protected by the Japanese Copyright Law and international treaties. Except for cases permitted by the Copyright Law such as “copying for personal use” or “citation”, no material contained herein may be copied or diverted, including reprinting, reproduction, alteration, sale or lending, without permission of SIC.
You may cite, reprint or copy the whole or part of our website by specifying the source in an appropriate manner, as part of acts permitted by the Copyright Law such as personal use or citation.
For contents with a note such as “Reproduction without permission is prohibited”, contact SIC for consultation. You may not alter the whole or part of contents of our website without permission of SIC.
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However, please refrain from linking to our website from charged sites or restricted sites (e.g. members-only site), because it may give a false impression to users that our website is charged or restricted to registered users.
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Please find below our disclaimer to clarify the scope of SIC’s responsibility for the users of our website.
It is regarded that the users of our website are using it after you have agreed the following.
Though SIC makes efforts to provide correct information on our website (hereinafter “contents”), technically or legally incomplete description or misprint may be included.
Please use the information included in the contents at your own risk, because the contents and the consequences from the use are not guaranteed.
In order for you to use the contents in a correct and appropriate manner, we may change the contents without notice.
While all contents on this website are provided by SIC, we make no warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, as to the fitness for particular purpose or non-infringement of rights, including the legal warranty against defects.
Moreover, SIC will not be responsible for any damages arising out of the contents or use of our website (including direct, indirect or incidental damage, lost profits, damage to intangible materials such as loss of program or data on information systems).
The trademarks, etc. shown on this website are generally the registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective right holder. No marks such as ® or TM are indicated.
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Please note that the contents of this website may be changed or removed without notice.